Professor in Medical Radiation, University of South Australia
Convenor, Medical Physics
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Eva is Professor in Medical Radiations at the University of South Australia (UniSA). Previously she was Chief Physicist at the Department of Medical Physics, Royal Adelaide Hospital. She has co-authored over 200 papers, 300 conference presentations and co-authored 3 books on medical physics and other chapters. She supervised over 45 PhD/MSc students. In 2020 she was appointed Professorial Lead at UniSA.
She is an active member of medical physics professional community in Australia and internationally. In 2010-2011, Prof Bezak was elected the President of the Australasian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers in Medicine (ACPSEM). Currently, she is President of the Asia-Oceania Federation of Medical Physics (AFOMP), the Vice President of The International Organization for Medical Physics (IOMP), and the Administrative Council member of the International Union of Physical and Engineering Scientists in Medicine (IUPESM). She is also a convenor (medical physics) of the upcoming IUPESM World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, to be held in Adelaide, Australia from 29 September to 4 October 2025.

Adrian Richards
BME Chapter, Engineers Australia
Convenor, Biomedical Engineering
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Adrian has been practicing within Biomedical Engineering in South Australia for 40 years, holding a range of positions including his current Area Manager’s role within the state-wide Biomedical Engineering Service. He also currently holds the position of Chair of the National Committee on Clinical Engineering within Engineers Australia, have been chair of the College of Biomedical Engineering within that organisation in the recent past.
As well as extensive national and global networks, Adrian is an international collaborator within the Clinical Engineering Division of the International Federation of Medical and Biological Engineering (IFMBE) and has been an active contributor that groups Global Days of Clinical Engineering events. Vice President of the South Australian-based Society for Medical and Biological Engineering is also a current responsibility.
Almost continuous involvement in and contribution towards Australia’s national Biomedical Engineering conferences for more than 20 years is a significant achievement of Adrian’s, including playing a significant role in the last World Congress to come to Australia in 2003.
• Michael Flood, BE FIEAust CPEng(Biomedical) NER APEC Engineer IntPE(Aus), Locus Consulting Pty Ltd
• Kevin Hickson, Head of Medical Physics and Radiation Safety, South Australia Medical Imaging (SAMI)
• Di Robinson, Chief Executive Officer, ACPSEM
• Paul Arztenhofer, General Manager – Operations, ACPSEM
• Nicole Appleby, Executive General Manager, Member & Customer, Engineers Australia
• Marne Scholtz, Senior Manager, Professional Development, Conferences & Events, Engineers Australia