On behalf of The International Union for Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine, The International Organization for Medical Physics and The International Federation of Medical and Biological Engineering, the Australasian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers in Medicine, and Engineers Australia, we are excited to convene the IUPESM World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2025, being held in Adelaide, South Australia from 29 September to 4 October 2025 at the Adelaide Convention Centre.
The IUPESM World Congress 2025 promises to be a milestone in the realms of Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics. In the ever-evolving landscape of medicine and healthcare, the fusion of leading research and technological innovation is propelling us toward a future where the boundaries are beyond what any of us may have imagined just a few years ago.
The Congress theme is Bridging the Gap: Science, Technology, and Clinical Practice for a Sustainable World.
The brightest minds from around the world will be gathering.
We are expecting an attendance of over 2,500 delegates from Australasia and from around the World.
We will actively seek a 20% attendance by students and delegates from low- or middle-income countries (LMICs).
This will be an extraordinary opportunity to support and participate in a Congress that we will not see in Australia again for a very long time. The opportunity to engage with scientists, engineers, researchers, innovators and corporations is almost unprecedented.
The Congress will provide a unique opportunity to make new acquaintances in an environment where they will be sharing the very latest research, technologies and thinking that stands to collectively shape the future of healthcare delivery.
We look forward to seeing you at IUPESM 2025.
Prof Eva Bezak, ACPSEM, Convenor, Medical Physics
Mr Adrian Richards, BME Chapter, EA, Convenor, Biomedical Engineering
Global biomedical industries in South Australia
Experience South Australia, a land of natural beauty, rich history, and thriving health-tech innovation and an accessible launch pad to key fast-growing Asian markets such as China, India, and Southeast Asia.
Adelaide and its population of 1.3 million are currently undergoing a huge transformation and it’s fast becoming the lifestyle capital of Australia. Already celebrated for its wine and food culture, this elegant city is undergoing a rapid transformation with a burgeoning small-bar scene to a host of world-class festivals and amazing eco-adventures. Widely recognised as the 20-minute city, Adelaide is easy to get to, easy to get around in and easy to fall in love with.
The $4 billion Adelaide BioMed City is in the heart of Adelaide, comprised of leading-edge anchor research and educational institutes, companies and a connection point with start-ups, business incubators and accelerators.
The state’s three growing innovation districts include Adelaide BioMed City, Lot Fourteen and the Tonsley Innovation District, which capitalise on South Australia’s competitive advantage in emerging sectors of advanced manufacturing.
Rare opportunities to engage with global leaders
You will have the opportunity to:
- Learn about the latest innovations and cutting-edge research being conducted by world experts.
- Leverage a meeting of research and industry to network and gain valuable future partnerships.
- Demonstrate and promote your latest innovations and technologies to a large audience of medical physicists, and biomedical engineers.
- Showcase your company and services.
- Meet with leading global practitioners in medical physics and biomedical engineering.
- Book a time on the presentation stage to present your credentials to an international audience.
Experience everything the World Congress has to offer
We have some important objectives for this Congress, including:
- Attract at least 2,500 delegates from Australia, New Zealand and around the world.
- Attract participants from 100 countries around the world.
- Attract 20% of student registrations or delegates from LMIC countries.
- Achieve public exposure for medical physics and biomedical engineering professions nationally and internationally, via mainstream media exposure, social media posts and interviews of keynote speakers.
- Increase BME College members awareness of and networks with broader biomedical engineering practice community in Australia to improve representation and professional membership.
- Facilitate the establishment of a National Biomedical Roadmap.
- Honour IUPESM and its affiliated organisations expectations.
Historical Snapshot
3,000+ participants
103 countries
15 sessions
XI 1976 Ottawa, Canada
XII 1979 Jerusalem, Israel
XIII 1982 Hamburg, Germany
XIV 1985 Helsinki, Finland
XV 1988 San Antonio, United States of America
XVI 1991 Kyoto, Japan
XVII 1994 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
XVIII 1997 Nice, France
XIX 2000 Chicago, United States of America
XX 2003 Sydney, Australia
XXI 2006 Seoul, Korea
XXII 2009 Munich, Germany
XXIII 2012 Beijing, China
XXIV 2015 Toronto, Canada
XXV 2018 Prague, Czech Republic
XXVI 2022 Singapore
Partnerships with IUPESM World Congress 2025
Choose from a range of Partnership packages and inclusions below, designed to maximise your delegate engagement and brand exposure during the Congress.
Major Partnership Opportunities
Diamond Partner – $55,000 (ex GST)
The Diamond Level is the leading Partnership of the Congress. Your company name and logo will appear wherever the Congress logo is displayed. This level of Partnership is flexible to include other entitlements in your package that might better reflect your objectives at this important Congress.
Included is a 6m x 6m booth on the exhibition floor located in the principal position.
Option of Lunchtime or Breakfast Symposium (45-minute duration) hosting opportunity, open to all Congress delegates to attend.
- The Congress will include this in the event information and promotion
- Limited to 50 persons. Any increase over this number will be covered by the partner at a pro rata rate
- Speaker and topic to be arranged by partner (subject to approval by the Congress Organisers)
- Venue and basic audio visual included
- Additional catering cost and other requirements to be covered by the partner
Also included in the package is:
- Four (4) Congress registrations
- Eight (8) Welcome Reception tickets
- A dedicated partnership page on our award-winning Mobile Event Program App. It will increase the digital engagement of the Congress by as much as 70%, providing you a standout branding position
- One (1) dedicated EDM sent by the Congress. Content and artwork to be provided by partner (subject to approval by the Congress Organisers)
- Company logo will be included in EDMs
- Recognition as a partner (with company logo) on the Mobile Event Program App
- Partner profile featured on our Mobile Event Program App (maximum 200 words)
- Two (2) Mobile Event Program App push notifications (limit of 140 characters) sent to all delegates on behalf of the partner
- Company name and logo display on the Congress website will be alongside the Congress logo
- Company logo display will take prominence on all main Congress signage throughout the onsite venue
- Company logo will be displayed in the hero position on holding slides at the start of all Congress sessions
- A 2-minute video will be played prior to the opening of the first plenary session (partner to provide video)
- Verbal acknowledgement during the opening and closing ceremonies at the Congress
- Congress delegate list provided two weeks pre-Congress and two weeks post-Congress (subject to privacy laws and opt-ins)
Platinum Partner $35,000 (ex GST)
The Platinum Level Partnership is flexible to include other entitlements in your package that might better reflect your objectives at this important Congress.
Included is a 6m x 3m booth on the exhibition floor located in a premium position.
Option of Lunchtime or Breakfast Symposium (45-minute duration) hosting opportunity, open to all Congress delegates to attend.
- The Congress will include this in the event information and promotion
- Limited to 30 persons. Any increase over this number will be covered by the partner at a pro rata rate
- Speaker and topic to be arranged by partner (subject to approval by the Congress Organisers)
- Venue and basic audio visual included
- Additional catering cost and other requirements to be covered by the partner
Also included in the package is:
- Three (3) Congress registrations
- Four (4) Welcome Reception tickets
- Company logo displayed on our award-winning Mobile Event Program App. It will increase the digital engagement of the Congress by as much as 70%, providing you a standout branding position
- One (1) EDM advertisement. Content and artwork to be provided by partner (subject to approval by the Congress Organisers)
- Company logo will be included in EDMs
- Company name and logo display on the Congress website
- Company logo display will be prominent on all main Congress signage throughout the onsite venue
- A 2-minute video can be shown prior to the opening of the second plenary session (partner to provide video)
- Verbal acknowledgement during the opening and closing ceremonies at the Congress
- Congress delegate list provided two weeks pre-Congress and two weeks post-Congress (subject to privacy laws and opt-ins)
Gold Partner – $25,000 (ex GST)
The Gold Level Partnership includes a 3m x 3m booth on the exhibition floor located in a premium position.
Option of Lunchtime or Breakfast Symposium (30-minute duration) hosting opportunity, open to all Congress delegates to attend.
- The Congress will include this in the event information and promotion
- Limited to 30 persons. Any increase over this number will be covered by the partner at a pro rata rate
- Speaker and topic to be arranged by partner (subject to approval by the Congress Organisers)
- Venue and basic audio visual included
- Additional catering cost and other requirements to be covered by the partner
Also included in the package is:
- Two (2) Congress registrations
- Four (4) Welcome Reception tickets
- Company logo displayed on our award-winning Mobile Event Program App. It will increase the digital engagement of the Congress by as much as 70%, providing you a standout branding position
- Company logo will be included in EDMs
- Company name and logo display on the Congress website
- Company logo display will be prominent on all main Congress signage throughout the onsite venue
- Verbal acknowledgement during the opening and closing ceremonies at the Congress
- Congress delegate list provided two weeks pre-Congress and two weeks post-Congress (subject to privacy laws and opt-ins)
Silver Partner – $15,000 (ex GST)
Included in the package is:
- One (1) Congress registration
- Three (3) Welcome Reception tickets
- Company logo displayed on our award-winning Mobile Event Program App. It will increase the digital engagement of the Congress by as much as 70%, providing you a standout branding position
- Company name and logo display on the Congress website
- Company logo display will be prominent on all main Congress signage throughout the onsite venue
- Congress delegate list provided two weeks post-Congress (subject to privacy laws and opt-ins)
Networking Partnership Opportunities
Networking, Charge Bar & Barista Lounge – $25,000.00 (ex GST)
The Networking, Charge Bar & Barista Lounge will be a gathering place for delegates in the exhibition area. This space will feature cafe/lounge seating and will offer delegates an opportunity to relax and recharge both themselves and their devices. This is a great way to ensure your brand is recognised and appreciated. One barista station will be placed in the networking lounge.
Charge Bars
Two (2) charge bars will be included in the Networking, Charge Bar & Barista Lounge and will offer delegates the ability to charge their devices while networking and enjoying a freshly made coffee.
Benefits and inclusions are:
- Two (2) company branded charge bars, located in the lounge
- Exclusive naming rights of the Networking, Charge Bar & Barista Lounge
- Opportunity to place company literature (e.g., flyers, brochures) within the lounge area (partner to supply company literature; maximum size of literature is A4)
Marketing, Advertising and Promotion
- Two (2) complimentary exhibition registrations, including access to morning, afternoon tea and lunch
- Company logo and 200-word profile in the Mobile Event Program App
- One (1) Mobile Event Program App push notification (limit of 140 characters) sent to all delegates on behalf of the partner on the first day of the Congress
- Company name and logo display on the Congress website
- Company logo on Congress signage
- Company logo on signage on front panel of the coffee cart
- Opportunity to place one (1) free standing pull up banner at the rear of the coffee cart and to provide branded coffee cups, napkins, stirrers and sugar sachets and/or apparel for the barista staff: t-shirts, caps, visors, aprons (additional cost to the partner, subject to approval by the venue)
- An exhibition space can be purchased at a discounted rate and will be located directly opposite the Lounge in a premium space
- Congress delegate list provided two weeks post-Congress (subject to privacy laws and opt-ins)
Note: Coffee cart and all consumables are included in the price of this partnership for up to 500 cups of coffee per day for five (5) days. Final placement will be decided by the Organising Committee to ensure good branding for the partner and good traffic overall.
Congress Dinner Partner – $20,000 (ex GST)
Included in the package is:
- Two (2) Congress registrations
- Ten (10) Congress Dinner tickets
- Acknowledgement as the Congress Dinner Partner in all Congress promotional material
- Exclusive naming rights to the Congress Dinner
- Company logo printed on menus and signage
- Opportunity to display corporate signage (supplied by partner) at the Congress Dinner venue
- Opportunity to make a 5-minute address to guests at the start of the Congress Dinner
- Company logo and 200-word profile in the Mobile Event Program App
- Company name and logo display on the Congress website
- Company logo on Congress signage
- Opportunity to provide promotional gift/item with company logo (supplied by partner) at the Congress Dinner
- Opportunity to further brand the Congress Dinner venue (subject to approval by the Congress Organiser and any additional costs for this will be at the partner’s expense)
Welcome Reception Partner – $15,000 (ex GST)
Included in the package is:
- Five (5) Welcome Reception tickets
- Acknowledgement as the Welcome Reception Partner in all Congress promotional material
- Shared naming rights to the Welcome Reception
- Opportunity to display corporate signage (supplied by partner) at the Welcome Reception area
- Opportunity to make a 5-minute address to guests prior to the Welcome Reception in the plenary session room
- Company logo and 100-word profile in the Mobile Event Program App
- Company name and logo display on the Congress website
- Company logo on Congress signage
- Opportunity to provide branded napkins with company logo (supplied by partner) to be used during the Welcome Reception
- Opportunity to further brand the Welcome Reception (subject to approval by the Congress Organiser and any additional costs for this will be at the partner’s expense)
Branding Partnership Opportunities
Lanyard and Name Badge Partner – $15,000 (ex GST)
Each delegate will be provided with a lanyard to hold their name badge. Lanyards are popular and highly visible items that are often kept and used after the Congress. This partnership represents strong branding recognition at the Congress and beyond.
Included in the package is:
- Exclusivity as the lanyard partner
- Company logo on the delegates lanyard/name badge alongside the Congress logo
- Company logo and 100-word profile in the Mobile Event Program App
- Company name and logo display on the Congress website
- Company logo on Congress signage
- Congress delegate list provided two weeks post-Congress (subject to privacy laws and opt-ins)
Networking Breakfast Partner – $15,000 (ex GST)
Opportunity to host a Networking Breakfast event for up to thirty (30) guests and five (5) partner staff hosted by the partner.
Our Corporate Partnership team will work closely with you to plan the event. Your Networking Breakfast event includes a buffet-style breakfast with food and beverages provided.
Included in the package is:
- Exclusive naming rights to your Networking Breakfast
- The Congress will include this in the event information and promotion
- Limited to 30 persons. Any increase over this number will be covered by the partner at a pro rata rate
- Speaker and topic to be arranged by partner (subject to approval by the Congress Organisers)
- Venue and basic audio visual included
- Additional catering cost and other requirements to be covered by the partner
Plenary Session Partner – $8,000 (ex GST)
Attracting the largest audiences of all Congress presentations, these highly respected sessions associate your company and brand with key industry professionals.
Included in the package is:
- Ten (10) session only passes providing your team access to the sponsored session
- Verbal acknowledgement by the session chair of your company’s support as the partner
- Congress screen signage incorporating your company logo displayed outside the main access point to the plenary theatre
- Your company logo displayed on the screens at the start of the session
- Your company logo displayed on the Congress lectern during the session
- Opportunity for additional free-standing signage within the plenary session room
- Opportunity to have your company material made available to delegates within the session
- Opportunity for a 30-second video to be played prior to the commencement of the plenary session (content provided by the partner and subject to Organising Committee approval)
- Opportunity for your most senior representative to make a 2-minute introduction at the commencement of the plenary session
- Company logo and 50-word profile in the Mobile Event Program App
- Company name and logo display on the Congress website
- Company logo on Congress signage
- Congress delegate list provided two weeks post-Congress (subject to privacy laws and opt-ins)
Technology Partnership Opportunities
Mobile Event Program App Partner – $10,000 (ex GST)
The Mobile Event Program App enables delegates to access all Congress-related information and functions, such as scientific program, abstracts, e-posters, speakers and exhibition information.
Included in the package is:
- Acknowledgement as the Mobile Event Program App Partner in all Congress promotional material
- A dedicated partnership page on our award-winning Mobile Event Program App. It will increase the digital engagement of the Congress by as much as 70%, providing you a standout branding position
- Company logo to be featured on the Mobile Event Program App home page banner
- One (1) push notification (limit of 140 characters) per event day
- One (1) additional push notification prior to and after the Congress
Website Partner – $6,000 (ex GST)
The official website will be the flagship of Congress information providing delegates, partners, media and exhibitors up-to-the minute information on the program, exhibition and details on the host city, Adelaide.
Included in the package is:
- Banner advertisement on home page of the Congress website
- Company logo and 50-word profile in the Mobile Event Program App
- One (1) Mobile Event Program App push notifications (limit of 140 characters) sent to all delegates on behalf of the partner
- A dedicated partnership page with your company logo and hyperlink on the Congress website
- Company logo on Congress signage
Speaker Preparation Room Partner – $5,000 (ex GST)
This room is specially reserved and used by all speakers for their preparation. As a supporter you will be acknowledged in these areas:
Included in the package is:
- Acknowledgement as the Speaker Preparation Room Partner in all Congress promotional material
- Opportunity to brand the speaker preparation room signage (artwork to be supplied by partner adhering to signage specifications)
- Opportunity to display corporate signage (supplied by partner) at the speaker preparation room
- Opportunity to provide desktop wallpaper in the speaker preparation room (artwork to be supplied by partner adhering to signage specifications)
Additional Branding Opportunities
Other branding opportunities are available that can either be included in your primary partnership or purchased separately.
Fitness Support Partner – $8,000 (ex GST)
Branded merchandise for the casual Congress morning runs. Provide the t-shirts with your brand alongside the Congress logo. This option will have longevity past the Congress. The partner may choose to provide additional promotional items (i.e. branded water bottles, cooling towels, etc.).
Technical Tour Partner – Price on application
Speak to us about an opportunity to host a technical tour to the biomedical precinct. Price will vary depending on requirements.
Congress Exhibition
Exhibiting at the IUPESM World Congress 2025 is an outstanding opportunity to promote your company. The exhibition area is the hub of the Congress and is ideal for networking with your customers and clients.
Premium Position 3 x 3m – $8,500 (ex GST)
Standard Position 3 x 3m – $7,700 (ex GST)
Chrysalis Pod 2m x 1m – $3,900 (ex GST)
Presentation Opportunity – $500 (ex GST)
Included in the package is:
- Name badges for one (1) representative including entry into exhibition area, access to Congress sessions, and Welcome Reception
- Name badges for one (1) representative including entry into exhibition area and Welcome Reception
- Daily catering including morning, afternoon tea and lunch
- Company logo and 100-word profile in the Mobile Event Program App
- Company name and logo display on the Congress website
- Company name on Congress signage
- Congress delegate list provided two weeks pre-Congress and two weeks post-Congress (subject to privacy laws and opt-ins)
- Opportunity for a 5-minute presentation within the exhibition showcase (additional cost)
Booth inclusions:
- 2.48m high smooth finish walls (1 x back and 2 x side walls for middle booths)
- Exhibitor company name on fascia panel. Exhibitor logos can be printed on fascia signs at additional cost
- 1 x 4amp 240V AC power point per booth
- 2 x spotlights per booth
- Furniture and additional equipment available for hire from exhibition supplier at exhibitor’s own expense
- Please note: Space only requests do not include the above booth inclusions.
Presentation opportunity:
- Optional 5-minute presentation opportunity as part of the IUPESM exhibition program, followed by three minutes of Q&A. These presentations will be held during lunch breaks. One presentation per exhibitor, on a first come first served basis.
Contact Us
To discuss any opportunities, your objectives and to find out more about the Congress, contact our team at sponsorship@arinexgroup.com or on +61 2 9265 0700.
We would be pleased to develop a customised package to suit your budget and requirements.